Prime 135,000 S.F Flex Office Warehouse Building Consisting of 4 Units now available for Sale.
The property was constructed in 1964 on 7.27 acres. The current configuration is ~70% office and 30% warehouse. The building has 100% a/c throughout and is fully-sprinklered with a wet system. There are (7) 8′ x 9′ dock doors and (1) 9′ x 10′ drive-in door. 45 mil TPO roof installed in 2017 with a 15 year warranty. 14′-16′ clear height in warehouse and 3-phase power with 1,200 amps / 480 volts. Over 360 parking spaces on site.
Property is centrally-located in Overland, MO with frontage on Interstate 170.
Commercial, Industrial
Property Type
Sq Ft
Parcel Size
Lease Rate Type
Year Built
Unit Number | Square Footage |
2001 | 36,472 |
2085 | 29,715 |
2075 | 15,220 |
X | 51,357 |